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This Indenture and deed made this tenth day of July in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty two - between W H Addington and Lelia A his wife of the one part and W W Davis of the other part.  Witnesseth that the said W H Addington & Lelia his wife in consideration of the sum of One hundred and ninety five dollars (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) have granted with general warranty unto the said W W Davis his heirs and assigns forever all that certain peice or parcel of land with its appurtenances situate lying and being in that part of Portsmouth called Gosport and bounded as follows to wit   Beginning at ninety feet from the North West corner of Henry and fifth streets from thence running Eastwardly along Henry street thirty feet thence southwardly and parallel to Fifth street, One hundred and twenty one feet, thence westwardly and parallel to Henry street Thirty feet and from thence Northwardly and parallel to Fifth street One hundred and twenty one feet to the beginning and it is the lot next westwardly to Wm Guy's lot.   Known and described in Addingtons plan as lot No 20 which was purchased by the said Wm Guy   The lot now conveyed by this deed is that next adjoining Westwardly to lot No 20 and owned by said Wm Guy also.  All that certain peice or parcel of land fronting on Henry street commencing One hundred and eighty feet from the Northwest corner of Fifth and Henry streets, thence running along Henry street thirty feet from thence southwardly and parallel to Fifth street One hundred and twenty one feet, thence Westwardly and parallel to Henry street thirty feet thence Northwardly and parallel to Fifth street One hundred and twenty one feet to the beginning   It being the lot as described on Addingtons plan as No 22 the same being between the two lots Nos 21 and 23 and which were both purchased by W W Davis described on Addingtons plan and they are the same