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day and year first herein written sealed & delivered in presence of Jno F France
            Sp Commr
City of Norfolk S. C.
I A. F. Leonard a notary public in and for the city aforesaid in the state of Virginia hereby certify that Jno F. Frances whose name is signed to the writing above hearing date the 1st day of April 18 1852 have acknowledged the same before me in my said city. Given under my hand this 1st day of April 1852.

A F Leonard
Notary Public Norfolk, City
In the Clerks office of Norfolk County Court the 1st day of April 1852. This deed was admitted to word upon the certificate annexed of a A F Leonard a notary public in and for the City of Norfolk.

Arthur Emmerson C. C.

State of Virginia County of Norfolk to wit.
I LeRoy. G. Edwards Clerk of the County Court. of Norfolk County in the state of Virginia aforesaid do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy from the records of the said Court.

In testimony thereof I have
hereto set my hand and affixed
the seal of the said Court
this 12th day of September 
1865 in the goth year of the 
LeRoy G. Edwards C. C.