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This Deed made the 18th day of December in the year 1855 Between Thomas H Webb of the one part and William W Davis of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of sixteen hundred dollars in hand paid by the said William W. Davis at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereof is hereby acknowledged the said Thomas H Webb hath granted bargained sold and apigned and by these presents doth grant bargain sell and apign and convey unto the said William W Davis certain Leasehold premises and appurtenances lying and being in the Town of Portsmouth and bounded as follows Beginning at the lot leased by Pierce & Co to James Addy by deed leaving date the 1st September 1837 and running South on Ceaufort Street seventeen feet, thence West seventy five feet thence North seventeen feet, thence East seventy five feet to the beginning and is the same lot and appurtenances which was purchased by Nathaniel James from Bernard Opeill by deed bearing date 2nd day of October 1839 and subsequently sold by Mary & James & Co. John R Bennett by deed bearing date 7th day of July 1850 and by the Bennett through his attorney in fact Eli Bennett conveyed to the said Thomas H Webb by deed bearing date the 7th day of April 1853 all of which said deeds are duly recorded in the Clerks Office of Norfolk County Court with all the rights and benefit of the deed of lease under which the said property is held with the right of renewal and the benefit of all the covenants contained in said deed. To have and to hold the said leasehold property unto him the said William W. Davis his heirs and apigns forever subject however to the covenants contained in the deed of lease aforesaid
Witness the following signatures V Seal
Thos H Webb seal