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Virginia W. W. Davis whose name is signed to the writing above bearing date Sept 11th 1865 and being sworn on the Evangelists of Almighty God made oath that the statements contained in the foregoing petition are true. So help him God.
Given under my hand this 11th day of Sept. 1865
V. O. Cassell.
Notary Public.

State of Virginia
City of Portsmouth to wit:
This day personally appeared before me V. O. Cassell a notary public for the City of Portsmouth in the State of Virginia, W. C. Wingfield,  Geo. W. City, J. J. Bilisoly, A. Bilisoly, Thos. Johnson, W. B. Winter, A. E. Collins, J F. Brooks,  Jno. Singleton, W. S. Fentress.
who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God dispose and say that we are well acquainted with and personally know W. W Davis whose name is signed to the petition hereto annexed bearing date on the 11th day of Sept. 1865 and visited or met with said W W Davis from time to time during the period of time embraced from the 10th day of May 1862 up to say the evacuation of the City of Richmond and surrender of the forces of the so called Confederate States in the month of April 1865 and from the knowledge we had of the movements and employments of the said W W Davis we believe the statements contained in said petition are true. We were sufficiently conversant with his movements and employments as that if he had have been employed otherwise than as stated in his petition aforesaid we must necessarily have known it or heard of it. Therefore we testify and dispose to the best of our knowledge and belief that the statements contained