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United States of America
United States District Court District of Virginia.
Clerks Office. ss

This is to certify that I have examined and inspected the records and files in this office and find no proceedings have been commenced in said Court for the Confiscation of the property of Willoughby Dozier situate lying and being in the County of Princess Anne, State of Virginia.


In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at the City of Norfolk in said District this 10th day of October. A.D. 1865.
W.H. Barry. Clerk
per R.C. Jones. Deputy

State of Virginia, Princess Anne County to wit:
I John J. Burroughs Clerk of the County Court of Princess  Anne aforesaid, in the State of Virginia, Do certify that Willoughby Dozier of said County, is entitled to a tract of land near "Newton" in this County containing about 175 acres, and that said land was valued in 1860 at less than $20,000 as will appear by the commissioners books recently taken away, together with the seal of this Court, by federal soldiers and military authority. Given under my hand this 11th Day of October 1865.
J.J. Burroughs C.C.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-09 15:42:32 R.C. Jones, not R.G. Jones added missing stamp transcription