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Thomas P. Jackson Asst. Spt.
[[strikeout]] To Major Genl Howard Chief of [[strikeout]]
the Bureau of R.F. and Abandoned Lands.
The Petition of William H. Etheridge, of Norfolk County in the State of Virginia, respectfully represents, that he is the owner in fee simple of a tract of land or farm in the said County, containing one hundred and twenty five acres in the County of Norfolk, the title to which will appear by the certificate of the Clerk of the County Court of Norfolk, which he herewith files as a part of this his petition.  Your petitioner further states, that in his absence from the County of Norfolk from the year 1862 to 1865, the said farm was taken possession of by the Government of the United States and the proceeds [[?]] collected in the form of rents and received by the said Govt.  Your Petitioner having returned home and taken the oath to the Govt of the United States which he intends in good faith to keep and observe, and promote a far as he may be able the peace and happiness of the same, prays that the said farm may

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-09 18:09:20 corrected NARA# and minor typos