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To [[strikethrough]] Major General O. O. Howard [[/strikethrough]] Colonel Orlando Brown, Assistant Commissioner of Freedman's Bureau, State of Virginia.

The petition of William T. Fitchett of Northampton County, in the State of Virginia, respectfully represents: That he is the owner in fee simple of a certain tract of land, called "Branchly", situated about four miles from Eastville, in said County, containing two hundred and thirty eight and one half acres, more or less. That he left home in the year 1861, and remained in Richmond, Virginia, until about the last of April 1865, when he returned home. That he left his said land in the possession of his tenant, who, together with his wife, M. S. Fitchett, occupied the same until sometime in the year 1864 - 

That on or about the 1st of January 1865, the same M. S. Fitchett, the wife of your petitioner, was informed by Hartley, Treasury Agent, that said land was on his books as abandoned lands - That she, the said M. S. Fitchett, entered into an agreement with said Hartley to pay as rent for said land for the present year the taxes which might be assessed thereon. That all the taxes which have been assessed on said land have been promptly paid so far as is known or believe, by your petitioner - That your petitioner, on the 19th day of August, 1865, took and subscribed before L.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-06 20:01:58 Orlando Brown William T. Fitchett