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At a Court of Quarter Sessions held for the County of Accomack at the Court House thereof on the 31st day of August AD 1864

Sally D. Fletcher Pltiff. } on an attachment
Corbin D. Fletcher Deft. }

This day came the plaintiff by her attorney John W.H. Parker and the defendant was solemnly called that came not whereupon it satisfactorily appearing to the Court that the defendant is indebted to the plaintiff in the sum of money in said attachment mentioned, and that the said defendant is a non resident of this Commonwealth, it is considered by the Court, that the plaintiff recover against the defendant the debt in the said attachment mentioned the sum of one hundred and twenty three dollars and sixty five cents ($123.65) with interest thereon from the 5th January 1861 till paid, and her costs by her about her suit in this behalf expended. And it is ordered that the officer who levied the said attachment sell the goods, chattels and estate so attached in so much thereof as may be necessary towards the satisfaction of the plaintiffs judgement such sale to be made in the same manner as if it was made under execution.

I, John B. Ailworth Clerk of Accomack County Court do certify that the foregoing is a true transcript from the Records of this court.
Given under my hand as clerk as aforesaid this 8th day of March 1865
Test J.B. Ailworth C.A.C. 

Transcription Notes:
Court of Quarter Sessions- a local court that met quarterly Test J.B. Ailworth-- "Test" is a legal term