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and sold and by there presents doth grant bargain sell and covey to the said Leven Gayle his heirs and assigns the said plantation, being the tract of land which was conveyed to the said John Thompson by William Godfrey and other overseers of the Poor of Norfolk County by deed dated December 18, 1815 of record in the Clerks Office of Norfolk County Court containing two hundred and thirty seven acres and a quarter by survey and which is thus described in that deed. Beginning at a large oak on corner tree of the late Wm Leigh and running along said line North 30, W 30 1/2 Chains N 60 W 16 Chains 60 links to a large corner pine N 82 W 13 Chains 60 links to the head of a cove, thence down the cove and a creek dividing this land from L. Nicholas land, to the Western Branch river, thence finding on the river to a creek dividing this land from M Cookes land, thence Southerly up the Creek to the head thereof  thence on the said Cookes line of marked trees south 6 1/2 East 18 chains 60 links to a gum, a corner of David Culpeppers. Thence on his line S 4/2 east 39 chains 24 links to a gum in Richard Batons line thence binding on his line and the aforesaid Wm Leigh S 64 1/2 W 21 chains to the beginning with all and singular the improvements, hereditament advantages and appurtenances to the same belonging or appertaining, To have and To hold the same to the said Leven Gayle his heirs and assigns forever to his and their use and behoof forever. In Witness whereof the said Elizabeth Thomposon as executive aforesaid has hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year aforesaid.

Elizabeth Thompson {seal}                             Ex

singed sealed and delivered 
in presence of
Jn. A Chandler
W. S. Wilson
W. G. Wingfield

Transcription Notes:
Hereditament: any kind of property that can be inherited