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I Dempsey Nash, Clerk of the Hustings Court of the City of Portsmouth Va. do herby Certify that George W Grice of said City is the legal owner of a certain lot and parcel of land situated on the north side of North St in said City and bounded as follows: 

"beginning on North St at the line of Thomas Brooks thence moving West and binding on North Street Thirty feet, thence North one hundred and sixty feet, thence East thirty feet and thence South one hundred and sixty feet to the beginning" which with its improvements is now occupied by said Geo W Grice, being the same lot he purchased from Arthur Emundson Trustee on the 7th day of April 185[[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]4 as fully appears by the records of this office, and 

I further Certify that the said Geo W Grice is the legal owner of a certain piece, lot or parcel of land and the improvements therein situated & bounded as follows, "Beginning at the N-E. intersection of Green & North Sts running East along King Street one hundred and Eighty feet, thence north one hundred and thirteen feet, thence West one hundred & Eighty feet feet to Green Street, thence South along Green Street one hundred and thirteen feet to the beginning being the same lot he purchased from Geo W Butt on the 16th day of April

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-09 22:13:48 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-09 22:30:06 There is a word clearly spelled twice as "impinments", previously transcribed as "improvements". ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-10 09:40:00 was typed as HASTINGS, but should be HUSTINGS: ..... The Hustings Court, when presided over by a judge, had the powers of a Circuit Court. The Hustings Court was also sometimes referred to as "Judge Lyon's Court" I believe it also says IMPROVEMENTS. (inpinements isn't a word)