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I, Abram F. Leonard, a Notary Public in & for the city of Norfolk in the State of Virginia do certify that on this day personally appeared before me in the city aforesaid, John James and James E. Bell to me well known to be loyal citizens of the Government of the United States, & bona fide residents & citizens of the said city of Norfolk, who having been duly sworn according to law, depose & say that they were well acquainted with the late Wm. N. Gregory decd. late of Camden county North Carolina, whose brother & administrator, Silas S. Gregory is an applicant for the restoration of the "Galt" or "Gregory" farm in Princess Annne county Virginia, now held by the Freedmen's Bureau, that they also are well acquainted with the said Silas S. Gregory, & with the children & heirs of the said Wm. N Gregory, decd. (viz: Major Gregory, Willoughby Gregory & William & that none of the said parties (viz: Silas S., Major, Willoughby & William Gregory) are embraced in any of the exceptions of the proclamation of the President of the United States of the 29th of May 1865; nor would the said William N. Gregory decd. be so embraced if living - as these affiants are doubtful if the estate of the said W N Gregory decd. is solvent - & his debts are due to loyal citizens of the United States
John James
Jas. E. Bell

And I the said Notary do further certify that the above named affiants John James & James E Bell subscribed their names to the above affidavit in my presence & made oath thereto in my presence on this 2th day of November 1865.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my