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Feby 12 1866

Colonel O. Brown
Asst Comr Freedmen, Refugees & A. L.
for the State of Virginia

The Petition of James Hicks as respectfully represents

That by decree of the United States District Court for the District of Virginia entered on the 2nd of November 1865 all proceedings then pending in the said court against a certain lot of land in the Town of Hampton County of Elizabeth City of which he is the owner, were dismissed as appears by certificate A. herewith filed in which the said lot is described as bounded on the north by the Jennings lot East by Mrs. Eliza Jones lot South by Hampton Creek West by Covington lot.

That by another  decree of said Court of same date all proceedings in said court against another lot of land belonging to your Petitioner situate in said town and therein described as bounded North by the Baptist Church East by the lot of G Massenberg South by the lot of Jefferson Sinclair and on the West by Main Street were dismissed as appearing by Paper B herewith  filed

He also files a certificate form the clerk of the Court of Elizabeth City County showing that the said lots belonged to him marked C. The description of the lots in said papers A & B. differ in some respects from the description contained in paper C. owing to a mistake on the part of Counsel who instituted proceedings in said Court but they are the identical lots mentioned in said papers your petitioner not owning any others in said Town or County

Your petitioner has taken the Amnesty Oath prescribed by the President of the United States in his proclamation of the 29 May 1865 as appears by paper D herewith filed

That he does not come under any of the exceptions of said Proclamations is evidenced from the fact that the said United States Court, dismissed all

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