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To Major Genl. Howard Chief Bureau of F.R. and Abandoned Lands

The Petition of George T. Hodges, of the County of Norfolk in the State of Virginia respectfully represents, that he is the owner in fee simple of a tract of land situated in said County containing about five hundred acres, and also a House and Lot in the City of Norfolk situated on New Castle Street; the title to which will appear by the enclosed certificates. The said property during the absence of your petitioner from the County in the South from the year 1862 to the year 1865, when he returned home, was taken possession of and is now held by the Government of the United States as abanded property. Your petitioner left home about the month of May 1862 as a member of a volunteer Company Commanded by Capt William H. Stewart, believing at the time that he was discharging a duty due his state; but he has now returned to his allegiance to the Govt, whose laws he intends in good faith to keep and observe; and prays that his property may be restored to him, with all the rights and privileges due a Citizen

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