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State of Virginia, Elizabeth City County, to wit:
  Personally appeared before me, Thos W. Roche, a Justice of the Peace, in and for the county aforesaid, Thos. Peek who being duly sworn deposeth and saith as follows:
   I was for many years personally and well acquainted with the parents of James Barron Hope.  I know that he is the sole representative and heir at law of his mother Mrs Jane A Hope who died in 1862, he being the only  surviving child of his parents, both of whom are dead, and no other child of of theirs having arrived at years of maturity or [[?]] any issue.   
Thos. Peek

Subscribed and sworn to in my presence in my county aforesaid this 24 of Apr 1865.
Thos W Roche

I, William S. Howard, Clerk of the County Court of Elizabeth City County, certify that Thomas W. Roche, before whom the above affidavit was made, is a Justice of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia duly commissioned and qualified according to law and that his signature to the writing above is genuine. Given under my hand this 26th day of Sept 1865.
Wm S Howard clk