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   This Indenture made this fifteenth day of November in the year eighteen hundred and fifty one Between Keziah Pool of the County of Norfolk of the first part and Virginia F wife of William M Hope of the second part Witnesseth, that in consideration of the love and affection which the said Keziah Pool hath and beauth [[?]] unto the said Virginia F. wife of the said William M Hope, and also for divers other good causes and considerations we the said Keziah Pool hereunto moving, have given granted and confirmed, and by these presents do give, grant and confirm unto the said Virginia F. wife of the said William M. Hope a certain lot of land, situate and lying tin the town of Portsmouth and County of Norfolk and bounded as follows, to wit, Beginning on South Street sixty seven feet from its intersection with Middle Street and running on south street west forty feet, then South and parallel with Middle Street one hundred and thirteen feet, thence East and parallel with South forty feet, thence North one hundred and thirteen feet to the beginning.  To have, hold, and enjoy the said lot of land, unto the said Virginia F. wife of said William M Hope her heirs and assigns forever and I the said Keziah Pool the said lot of land unto the said Virginia F wife of the said William M Hope against me the said Keziah Pool my Executors and administrators and all and every person and persons whomsoever shall, and will warrant and forever defend by these presents the said lot of land which I the said Keziah Pool have put the said Virginia F wife of the said William M Hope in full possession.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and year first above written. 
Keziah Pool seal

Signed sealed and delivered in presence of