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This deed made this 20th day of September Ann Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty three between William Valeri and Ann his wife of the one part and John S. Hunly of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Wm Valeri and Ann, his wife in consideration of the sum of Twelve hundred dollars, hath granted with general warranity unto the said John S. Hunly his heirs and assigns forever; all that Sot piece or parcel of land on the west of Fourth Street in that part of Portsmouth called Gosport: Beginning at the intersection of Fourth and Henry Streets, thence northwardly along Fourth street fifty feet to the line of Moses Taylor, thence Westwardly along his line ninety feet, thence Southwardly fifty feet to Henry Street, thence Eastwardly along Henry street, ninety feet to the beginning, being the same lot which was purchased by the said Wm Valeri of Thomas Burke and Mary his wife as by their deed bearing date 2nd day of April 1831 and duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of Norfolk County. Together with all the improvement and appurtenances thereunto belonging: Witness the following signatures and seals.

Wm Valeri {seal}
Ann Valery {seal}

Transcription Notes:
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