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Wm H Foster and Jaculine his wife who hereby covenant with the said Henry. E. Irby that they will warrant generally the title to the property hereby conveyed. In Witness whereof the said Wm H Foster and Jaculine his wife have hereto set their hands and seals the day and year first herein written.
signed, sealed, and delivered
in presence of
Wm. H. Foster seal
Jackquiline Foster seal

Corporation of the City of Norfolk, to wit.

I George Blow Jr. a Notary Public in the Corporation aforesaid in the state of Virginia do hereby certify that Wm H Foster and Jackquiline Foster parties to a certain Deed bearing date the 9th day of June 1858 and hereto annexed personally appeared before me in my corporation afors'd and acknowledged the same to be their act and deed and desired me to certify the said acknowledgments to the Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of Norfolk in order that the said Deed may be recorded. And I do further certify that Jackqueline Foster the wife of Wm H Foster parties to a certain Deed bearing date on the 9th day of May 1958 and hereto annexed personally appeared before me in my corporation afores'd and being examined by me privily and apart from her husband and having the deed afors'd fully explained to her she the said Jackqueline Foster acknowledged the same to be her act and