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Mary Savage,
Suffolk Va.

Office Asst Supt Freedmen
Norfolk Va Aug 14 1865

Respectfully forwarded to Capt AS Flagg AQM &c. with the recommendation that the request be granted 

Jno H Keatley
Lt & Asst Supt Freedmen.

Off. Supt. R.F & AL
Dist No 1. State of Va
Ft Monroe Aug 18th/65

Respectfully returned to Lieut
Keatley, AS. & who will grant the request, reminding the applicant that it is not giving possession.

A.S. Flagg
Capt. A.Q.M
and Supt. R.F.and A.L

R.S.O. 8.16.65.  Fd. 8.18.65.

Respectfully forwarded to Genl Mann
Geo Griffin
Capt Comdg
Detch 1st D.C. Cav

Hd. Qrs Sub Dist
Norfolk Va Aug. 15. 65. 

Respcty referred to Lt Keatley for report A. Supt. Freedmen &c

By order of Bt B. Genl,
OL Mann
John L Worden Jr 
Asst. Adjt. Genl.

S.40. 5 DN 1866

Application from Mary. Savage, Suffolk

Transcription Notes:
-Detch 1st D.C. Cav = Detachment 1st District of Columbia Cavalry -Orrin Lorentna Mann (General): O.L. Mann - ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-11 13:07:26