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a full pardon has been granted to him by the President of the United States and that no proceedings have been commenced in the District Court of the United States for the confiscation of his interest in the said house and lot as will appear from the said pardon here with exhibited and the certificate of the Clerk of the said Court here with filed Market "B". That Mrs. Roberta Jeffrey widow of the said Aaron Jeffrey has taken the oath of amnesty and does not come within any of the exceptions contained in the President's Proclamations of 29th of May 1865 which will appear from the papers herewith filed marked. As evidence of the title of your petitioner and the widow and children of the said Aaron Jeffrey to the said house and lot he refers to the certificate of the Clerk of the Court of the Corporation of the City of Norfolk and the affidavits of George Lasston and William R Galt here with filed marked E&F.
Your petitioner further represents that the said house and lot has been taken into possession by the agents of the Freedmen's Bureau and is now under the control of the said Bureau. In consideration of the premises, he asks that