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by deed bearing date the seventeenth day of February Seventeen Hundred and ninety seven has become useless for military purposes or for the purposes for which it was purchased and is not used or necessary for the site of a fort or any other authorized purpose and has been with a [[view]] to sale by direction of the President of the United States under the authority of said acts of Congress divided into lots as laid down on a map or plat of 
the same executed by S Howell Brown 'D' Surveyor of said County and bearing the approval of the Secretary of war which map or plat was publically exhibited at said Harpers Ferry and a copy of which is annexed to a deed granted to Emanuel Spangler bearing date the sixteenth day of October 1852 to become a matter of record with said deed among the land records of said county -

And Whereas it was considered to be for the public interest that the unknown of the United States Armory at said place should not be unnecessarily disturbed in their Residences in consequence of said intended sale authority was given to have such of said lots with Buildings and improvements thereon as were occupied by said among unknown appraised and such lots sold for their appraised value to such of said unknown as might wish it and whereas Lot 4 in Block "C" on Shenandoah with the Buildings and Improvements thereon was accordingly appraised at the sum of Four Hundred Dollars and was Elected to be taken