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To Genl Howard in charge of the Freedmens' Bureau and abandoned Lands in Virginia.

The Petition of Julia A.H. Johnson, of the  city of Norfolk Virginia, respectfully represents that she is the owner of a small piece of land containing about eight acres with a small dwelling house and other improvements, situated just out of the city limits of Norfolk, together with the household and kitchen furniture belonging to said house, which was conveyed to her by Elisha R. Johnson her husband by deed dated the 16th December 1860; a copy of which is herewith filed and prayed to be taken and considered as a part of this here petition. That upon this place you petitioner resided at the breaking out of the late rebellion and continued to reside there till the month of April 1863, when she was forced to leave in order to procure the means of subsistence for herself and children.  The husband of your petitioner having left her for the south about the 10th May previous.  That in doing so she had no other notice prompting her than that which she has stated.  That upon leaving your petition or placed the said property in charge of an adopted daughter, Miss Martha Murphy, with some of her youngest children, taking three others with her