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to Charleston South Carolina where her husband was stationed, and where she remained till the surrender of Genl Lee when your petitioner returned to Norfolk. Soon after your petitioner left, in the month of September, as she has learned of 1863, one George Cross, who is the stepfather of your petitioner, moved into the house, and where she found him upon her return to Norfolk, exercising ownership over things, and claiming the right of occupancy from the government as abandoned property. Your petitioner prays that an order may be made requiring the said George Cross to surrender the said property to her; and having complied with the requirements of the proclamation of the President of the 29th May 1865, she prays that she may be restored to all her rights as a loyal citizen that your petitioner with seven children is homeless and houseless, and thrown upon the charity of the world, without any means of support.

Julia A H Johnson