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0529 This deed made the 26th day of Feby 1858 between Wm. T. Hendren & Henrietta, his wife of the first part and Wm J. Jones of the Court of Elizabeth City of the 2nd part Witnesseth that the said W.T. Hendren & Henrietta, his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Thousand (7000$) dolls, to them in hand, paid by the said Wm Jones before the delivery of these present which is hereby acknowledged do grant bargain and sell into the said WM J. Jones, his heirs and assigns all that certain Tract - piece or parcel of land, with its appurtenances, situate lying and being in said County of Elizabeth City on the Beck River  road known as "Lone Oak," (Formerly Moons) - on the East by the Main Beck River road, on the South by Robert Hudgins Land, known as "Eagles," and on the West by the land of Robt. H. Vaughan  - said Tract of land containing about one Hundred and Seventy Acres (170) and is the same sold and conveyed to the said Wm J. Hendron by and from John Armistead and wife, dated the 1st day of Jany 1856 and only recorded in the County Court of Elizabeth City County - And the said Wm. T. Hendron, doth hereby covenant with the said Wm. J. Jones, that he will warrant generally the title [[/strikethrough]] of [[strikethrough]] to the property hereby conveyed -  
Witness, the following signatures and seals. the day and year first here in written.
Sealed and delivered in our presence}
Wm. R. Willis 
Wm. R. Vaughan. W.T Hendron S.S.                              Henrietta Hendren S.S

Elizabeth City County to wit.
                               I, Samuel S. Howard, Clerk of the County Court of the County aforesaid in the state of Virginia do certify that Henrietta Hendren, the wife of Wm. T. Hendren, whose names are signed to the writing above, bearing date on the 26th day of February 1858, personally appeared before me in my office and being Examined by me privately and apart from her husband and

Transcription Notes:
not clear on names please double ck - looks good. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-10 13:33:25