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and Ann Lee, the last named, died before the late war, leaving no child. the two first Francis H. & Wm. W. Lee are still alive, and the only heirs at Law of the said Wm Lee dec'd. I further certify that the Farm aforesaid has been the "Homestead" of Francis H. Lee (to my own knowledge) twenty five years. It also appears from the Records that the Taxes on the said Farm have been annually paid by the said Francis H. Lee, up to 1862,_ In Witness whereof I have hereto affixed my name and the seal of the County this 30th day of November A. D. 1865. 

[[seal]] [[illegible]] [[/seal]]

State of Virginia, York County, to wit:
This day personally appeared before me Friend Tuttle a justice of the peace for the county aforesaid James H. Kirby and William Avery Loyal Citizens of the United States, and made oath that they are & have been personally acquainted with Francis H. Lee for many years, that They never up to the time of the evacuation of the Peninsula by the Confederates had any connection with the so called confederate Military, nor never before nor since had any connection with any military or Civil organization in hostility or opposition in any way, to the Government of the United States. Given under my hand this 4th day of Dec, AD 1866.
Friend Tuttle J.P.

Transcription Notes:
"Friend Tuttle" is confirmed by other records