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To Col. O. M. Brown, U.S.A., Agent of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands for the State of Virginia, Richmond, Va. 
The undersigned, Abram. F. Leonard of Norfolk, Va., respectfully represents that he is the owner of certain houses & lots in the said city of Norfolk - the rents of which have, for some time past, been received by an agent or agents of the Treasury Department, and which have latterly been placed under the control of your Bureau. He is anxious to obtain a restoration of his said property, & has been informed that he should communicate with you upon the subject.
The undersigned has never been in the military or civil service, or employment, of the enemies of the United States, or done any act by which he should have forfeited possession of his property under the laws. That for nearly eight years past, he has been an invalid, from chronic inflammation of the knees, & has been, & is still, unable to walk about without crutches. That on account of his physical condition, he was unable to give personal attention to his said property in Norfolk; 

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