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To Charles E. Johnston, Esq. Assistant Superintendent of Freedmen, &c, Norfolk, Va

I am an applicant before your Bureau for the restoration of certain houses & lots, &c. in the city of Norfolk Virginia, now held by the Bureau under the circumstances set forth in my original Petition a substantial copy of which I enclose herein I beg leave also to offer for your inspection & action official certificates of my having taken the proper  oaths under the Proclamation of the late President Lincoln (in May last) & under that of President Johnson (in June last) respectively-which I am
advised, will justify the return of the said property. My Petition also shows that I have not been "engaged either in arms, or otherwise, in aiding or encouraging the rebellion" - but that I have been an invalid for nearly eight years past; & lived in strict retirement during the lake unhappy War.

My interest in the above property is an "Equity of Redemption" with right of possession, subject to the recorded liens of numerous mortgage  creditors-all loyal citizen (proof of which liens & of their existence on record before the War, have been duly furnished though the Superintendent at this place, Lieut J H Keatley - & including all other property that I possess, is worth less than twenty thousand dollars__

I also enclose herewith a certificate of the Deputy Clerk of the corporation court of the city of Norfolk, showing title to the property _ also a cerficate from the Clerk's Office of the U.S. District court at this place showing that certain libels are pending against portions of  the property aforesaid & that the same have

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-10 13:05:09