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State of Virginia
County of York Sch:
Aug 2nd 1865

This day personally appeared before me E. W. Coffin Capt S and Asst Pro Marshal Dr. Ro. H. Power, a citizen of the County of York, (and for a number of years past, & up to the present time, Presiding Justice of said County), and made oath in due form of Law that Mrs. Rebecca McCandlish of Williamsburg Va. is the owner of a farm known as Bellefield in the County of York - it having been purchased by her on or about the year 1859 - That for twenty years preceding May 1862 she had been residing at her home in Williamsburg. That, her residence there, being endangered by the presence of the two contending armies & in close proximity to the battle-field. She was compelled to seek safety in flight on or about the 5th of May 1862. That, for many years before, and ever since, the date of her purchase as aforesaid, her relative and steward Geo W. McCandlish had resided on said farm and managed it for her until April 1864, (two years after the occupation of the Peninsula by the United States Army) at which time, he, the said Geo W. McCandlish, was dispossessed of the premises, personal property horses, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs &c, and ordered away