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landed estate until said estate shall be distributed or disposed of as herein after directed. I also direct that she shall keep all the improvements on that part of my estate which is bequeathed to her insured to their full value and pay for the insurance of the same, and that she shall keep all the tenements bequeathed to her in good repair.
Sixth.  At the death of my beloved wife I do hereby give and bequeath all the lands and tenements which I have herein before given to her during her widowhood, to my children John, George, Benjamin, Sarah and Lelias and to Robert Smith, Henry Smith and William Smith, sons of my deceased daughter Mary to be divided amongst them as follows, I give to my children John, George, Benjamin, Sarah and Lelias, to each of them to each of them and his or her heirs forever; one sixth part of the lands and tenements herein before devised to my wife during her widowhood. Also to my grandsons Robert Smith, Henry Smith, and William. Smith to them and their heirs forever. One sixth part of said Lands and tenements to be equally divided amongst them or the survivors of them at the death of my wife. And further touching the said sixth part of lands, and tenements thus devised to my grandsons Robert Smith, Henry Smith and William Smith I further direct that at the death of my beloved wife, the portion of my estate hereby devised to them shall be entrusted to a guardian to be for them legally appointed, which guardian shall give security for the proper discharge of his duties, and that said guardian shall yearly invest the yearly invest the yearly profits accruing from the portion of each grand child in Bank Stock or State or some other safe stock until each grand child above named shall become of legal age and when he becomes of age

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 09:56:38 Reopened to add film number and missing text, and correct typos. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 11:04:48 corrected Delias to Lelias