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deliver to him the portion of said lands and tenements devised to him and the profits which have accrued thereon.

Seventh,  I do give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary McPhail all my unimproved lots in the City of Norfolk in Portsmouth and in Gosport also a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Norfolk called Mount Pleasant & adjoining the lands of Martin and others in trust however and for the sole use and behalf of my children John, George, Benjamin, Sarah and Lelias and of my grand children Robert Smith, Henry Smith and William Smith, and of my grand children Charles McPhail and Sarah McPhail children of my son Dougald deceased. And I direct said trust to be executed in manner and form as follows: Whenever it shall appear to my beloved wife advisable to sell any part or parcel or parts or parcels of the whole of said unimproved lots then she shall after duly advertising it or them sell such part or parcel, parts or parcels or the whole of said unimproved lots, and after deducting the necessary expenses attending such sale or sales from the proceeds of such sale as follows, she shall give to each of my children John, George, Benjamin, Sarah and Lelias one seventh of said proceeds and to my grand children Robert Smith, Henry Smith and William Smith or the survivor or survivors of them one seventh of said proceeds to be equally divided between them, and to my grand children Charles McPhail and Sarah McPhail one seventh to be equally divided between them.

Eighth.  I do give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary McPhail all my household and kitchen furniture 

Ninth Should the money left at my death not be sufficient to discharge my just debts, I do hereby direct my Executrix

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 11:06:44 Corrected many errors throughout, including missing lines of text. Please give it a thorough additional review. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 12:18:51 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 12:48:51 the last word is Executrix (a female Executor), not Executive ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 13:01:40