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United States of America, State of Virginia, City of Portsmouth S.S.

I William Gleason do solemnly swear in presence of Almighty God, that I personally know and have been well acquainted with Joseph M. Miles of the State and City aforesaid. That I saw him at Columbia about the month of July 1862 and that at that time we travelled together to Charlotte North Carolina. That in Spring of 1863 I saw him again passing through Charlotte N.C. to Richmond with his niece. They stopped at Charlotte all night. About three weeks thereafter he returned to Charlotte from Richmond V-a with his niece remaining about one day and night. I next saw him in the fall of 1863 at Charleston S.C. and had a conversation with him in which he told me he had a few days before that 'made a speck of one thousand Dolls.' meaning in his avocation or business. He appeared as far as I could understand to be engaged in the business of an 'Undertaker' for the Store, in which he was engaged in the prosecution of business was almost filled with 'Coffins'. We corresponded together by letter to the spring of 1864 and from the correspondence I always supposed him to be engaged entirely in civil pursuits the letters never containing any thing having the slightest tendency to show that he was engaged in any other business than purely of a civil nature and unconnected with all Military or hostile purposes or pursuits. In fall of '63 I learned by letter from him to me that he was going to Savannah Georgia and a short time thereafter I visited Savannah and having enquired after him I learned he had gone to Fort Valley, County of Houston St: of Georgia with his niece. I am sure from the general acquaintance I had with the concerns & business of said Miles to the best of my knowledge & Belief that he had nothing whatever to do in any shape or form with any Military matter whatever, but his business was such only as any loyal citizen might follow. So help me God.

Wm Gleason

Sworn to and subscribed before me on this 27th day of July 1865.

V. O. Cassell.
Notary Public.

[[image of seal]]

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