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The affidavits of William G. Smith and Leonard B. Nottingham of lawful age, who having been first duly sworn depose and say: That they are well acquainted with Hamilton S. Neale, the within named petitioner, a resident of Northampton County Va, and they verily believe he does not come within any of the excepted classes named in the proclamation of the President of the United States of the 29th of May 1865; That they are acquainted with the farm called Mockon, and that the said Hamilton S. Neale and those under whom he claims have been in possession of the said farm under [[strikethrough]] fr [[/strikethrough]] claim of title for more than twenty years, And further these affiants say not

Wm G. Smith
Lend B Nottingham

Sworn to before me [[strikethrough]] a justice of the peace [[/strikethrough]] Clerk of the Court in and for the County of Northampton, in the State of Virginia, the 28th day of September 1865.

L. Harmonson, Clerk [[strikethrough]] J.P [[/strikethrough]]

"I, Hamilton S. Neale, of Northampton County, Virginia do solemnely swear, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully protect, support, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the [[strikethrough]] United [[/strikethrough]] Union of the States Thereunder, and that I will like manner abide by and faithfully support all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existing rebellion, with reference to the emancipation of slaves, so help me God!

Hamilton S. Neale"

"Head Qrs. U.S. Forces, Drummond Town, Aug. 28th 1865
This day personally appeared before me Hamilton S. Neale, aged forty four years, by profession a lawyer, who took and subscribed the Amnesty oath prescribed by the President of the United States in his Proclamation of the 29th day of May 1865, Given under my hand this 28th day of August 1865

P. Hobon,
Capt. Comdg Post"

State of Virginia, Northampton County, to wit; This day the above named Hamilton S. Neale personally appeared before me [[strikethrough]] justice of the peace [[/strikethrough]] Clerk of the Court in and for the said

Transcription Notes:
Edited several spelling, word, formatting errors, etc. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 19:52:05 Added missing quote marks around two of the sections. I am a little puzzled by Leaonard B. Nottingham's signature. It definitley looks like he signed with a first initial of "S" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-13 10:16:16 Reopened to add missing text and correct typos.