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City of Norfolk, to wit:
Before me, a Notary Public for the city of Norfolk aforesaid in the State of Virginia, this day appeared William H. Parker, whose name is hereunto signed, and who is well known to me, who made oath before me that he is not excepted in any manner whatever from the benefit of the Amnesty Proclamation of His Excellency Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, dated May 29th A.D. 1865 - and that he is not included in any of the exceptions to the said Proclamation - and that he is fully entitled to Amnesty under the terms of the said Proclamation - and especially that he is not worth the sum of Twelve thousand Dollars, including his property in the city of Norfolk & County of Princess Anne in Virginia, now in possession of the Freedmen's Bureau. Given under my hand this Sixth day of December A.D. 1865.

Charles Sharp
Notary Public

Signed by me
W.H. Parker