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return to my home, and seeing the "Amnesty Proclamation" came to Fortress Monroe and availed myself of its benefits.

Upon application to Genl Ord Comm'd'g Dept of Va &c I was put in possession of the estates by circular from Provost Marshall Generals Office Dated Fort Monroe Va March 31st 1865.

In attempting to collect the rents for the past six months I was informed that an order had been issued which revoked the above order of Genl Ord's granting me possession of the estates.

My father was an old man 70 years of age, and had never committed an act of hostility against the flag of his country, he was always loyal in sentiment & expression, and though forced to Richmond to support his family, never took any part in the so called Confederacy. I have been reduced from affluence to beggary, I therefore respectfully request your favorable consideration of the above; and speedy enjoyment of those estates which have been in my family for the last 200 years.

Very respectfully yours,
Mattie Parrish

Residence Mr Jesse Jones
No 6 Brewer St.
Norfolk Va.