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Wm W. Peed


Applies for restoration of property situated in city of Portsmouth Va

E.B. 1st V. 292-1866-

Restored by S.O. No 11 par 1 dated 16th Jan/66

Bureau R. F & A. L 
Office Asst. Supt. Norfolk Co
Norfolk Va. Jan. 31 66

Respectfully forwarded. The party has complied with all the conditions of Order No. 19 =
The property could be restored without any injury resulting to the freedmen - 
Charles E Johnston
Asst. Supt


office Supt. R. F & A.L. 
1st Dist of Virginia
Norfolk Va Jan 6th 1866

Respectfully returned to Mr. C.E. Johnston Asst. Supt R. F & A.L. Norfolk County for Copy of Amnesty Oath to be filed with this application.
AS Flagg
Capt & Supt. 

1.6.66 B.F.158