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United States of America 
United States District Court District of Virginia. 
Clerks Office S.s.

This is to certify that I have examined and inspected the Records and files remaining in this office, and that the only property I find libelled  for confiscation &c in said Court as the property of James Phillips Senr. is the following viz.

No. 99. United States 
All the right title interest and estate of James Phillips Senr. in and to all that piece or parcel of land consisting of Five Hundred acres more or less with the House and buildings thereon situate lying and being in Elizabeth City County in the Eastern District of Virginia. Bounded on the north by the land of Gilbert Phillips on the East by the land of Giddings and Harris Creek. On the south by the County Road and on the West by the land of H. Elliot and W. Anderson. Together with all the goods chattels and personal property of the said James Phillips Senr. in and upon the said premises. 

And now at this day came L. H. Chandler Esqr. United States District Attorney for and in behalf of the Libellant and suggests to the Death of the Respondent James Phillips Senr. and on his motion. It is ordered by the Court that the Libel in this case be dismissed 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 22:26:01