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This Indenture made and entered into this 14th day of December 1863 between Joshua L. Garrett and Mary E. his wife of Gloucester County State of Virginia, of the first part, and William Sedgwick, and Mathew J. Maessen of the City of Richmond state of Virginia of the second part
Witnesseth: that for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Thousand dollars to them in hand paid before the sealing, and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said Joshua L. Garrett, and Mary E. his wife of the first part, have bargained, granted, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents do bargain, grant, sell and convey, into the said William Sedgwick, and Mathew J. Maessen parties of the second part, their heirs, or assigns forever; all that or parcel of Land lying and being in the country of Gloucester, state of Virginia; known as "Gloucester Place" and bounded as follows. On the north by Timber Neck Creek and a branch thereof which crosses the Piney swamp road; on the East of the Lands of Col [?] Thruston, and Joel Hayes; On the South by the Lands of Fielding L. Taylor Decd, and On the west by the Lands of Joel Hayes and Smith, and containing eight hundred and twenty five acres, be the same move or less. Said tract or parcel of land is more particularly set forth, and described in a deed of bargain and sale, executed to the aforesaid Joshua L. Garrett by John W. Hughes. Executed of the last will  and testament, of John Hughes Deed, late of the county of Gloucester State of Virginia, to which said deed now of record in the office of said county references is hereby made for further particulars.
To Have, and to Hold, the said tract or parcel of Land together with all the appendages, and appurtenances thereunto in any wise belonging; unto the said William Sedgwick and Mathew J. Maesson their heirs, and assigns forever, to warrant and defend the [?] of Land herein before granted, sold, and conveyed, with all and singular, the appendages and appurtenances thereunto belongings & unto them the said William Sedgwick and Mathew J. Maesson, their heirs, and assigns forever, against the claim or claims ever. In testimony of all which, the said parties do hereunto set their hands an [?] their seals, this the 14th day of December One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty three
County of Henrico State of Virginia [?] 
Elijah Baker a Justice of the Peace in, and for the