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To Colonel O. Brown, Superintendent of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, to the State of Virginia: Richmond, Virginia


I have the honor to present the following case for your consideration: -

1. [[crossed-out]] Whereas [[/crossed-out]] Henry Fitzgerald of the city of Norfolk, and Caroline his wife, [[crossed out]] did by [[/crossed-out]], by their deed dated February 24th 1860, and duly recorded in Norfolk County Court, conveyed to me (as Trustee to secure unto John E. Tunis the payment of certain debts specified in the said deed of Trust, a farm on the Eastern Branch of Elizabeth river, containing about Eighty acres, called Tatemsville: as will more fully appear by reference to a certified copy of the said Deed of Trust herewith filed, marked (A.) and prayed to be taken as a part of this Petition.

2. On the 16th day of April A.D. 1861, I exposed for sale, at public auction, the said property, in persuance of the authority vested in me by the said Deed of Trust, and Aaron Jeffery became the purchaser thereof, but failing to comply with the terms of sale (except as to the payment of a small portion of purchase money) no conveyance of the title, by deed or otherwise, was ever made to him by me as Trustee - and the legal title to the said property is still vested in me as Trustee under said deed of Trust. -