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J. R. Shields
Yorktown Va.,

Application for restoration of real estate and personal property.

E.B.308, 1. Vol. 1866
papers returned until information is received from Capt Wilder asked for in letter of Oct 24 1865
telegraph Capt Armstrong Nov 8 65

S.O. 48. par. 4.
Mch 14th 1866

Office Supt. Ref. &c.. 9th Dist.
Fort Monroe, Va. Dec. 19th 65.
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst. Commr &c. for instruction.
C. B. Wilder
Capt. and A.Q.M. & Supt.
9th Dist.


Restored by S.O. No 48
par 4 dated 14th Mch 1866.