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A list of lands entered upon the books of the Commissioners of the Revinue of Norfolk County for the year 1860 Charged to Willis W. Sylvester for taxes

[[4 columned table]]
|   | Acres | Total Value | Silvesters Int. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Sylvester W.W. & Lindsey | 21 | $21.00 |   |
| Sylvester & E.C. Lindsey | 39½ | 256.75 |   |
| Sylvester & E.C. Lindsey | 67 | 655 |   |
|   |   | ½ { 932.75 | $466.37½ |

| Sylvester W.W. | 1541 | $13869 |   |
| Sylvester W.W. | 20 | 1.000 |   |
| Sylvester W.W. | 7 | 500 | 15369.00 |
|   |   |   | $15835.37½ |

I, Le Roy G. Edwards Clerk of Norfolk County Court in Virginia hereby certify that the above lands with their value annexed are all that I find charged to Willis W. Sylvester upon the land books of said County for the year 1860.

Le Roy G. Edwards
Clerk Norfk Co. Court