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Bureau of R.F. and A.L. 
Office Supt 10th Va Dist
Fredericksburg Va Dec 14, 1865

Respectfully referred to Lieut M.S. Hopkins Asst Supt &c. Attention is invited to the information required within, which will be furnished without delay. This paper to be returned.
James Johnson
Maj V.R.C. Supt 10th Dist

Office Asst. Supt. for P. Wm Co. Va
Brentsville Va Dec. 20th/65

Respectfully Returned to Maj. James Johnson Supt. 10th Dist. Va with the information that the land of Mr. Francis L. Smith is not occupied by Freedmen and no suffering will ensue if the land is restored to Mr. Smith. 
Marcus S. Hopkins
1st Lt. 9th V.R.C. Asst. Supt. P. Wm Co. 

Bureau of RF and AL
Office Supt 10th Va Dist
Fredericksburg Va Dec 25, 65

Respectfully returned to Col O. Brown Asst Commr &c whose attention is respectfully invited to endorsement of Lieut Hopkins Asst Supt &c for Prince William Co 

James Johnson 
Maj V.R.C. 
Supt 10th Va District