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Baltimore 24 July 1865.

Hon Sec'y Treasury and the 
Comr. of Freedman's Bureau


I beg leave to bring to your notice the case now to be presented and to ask for a redress of the wrong of which I herein complain.

In December 1863, B.H. Morse late Treasury Agent at Norfolk seized and took out of my possession three dwelling houses in the City of Norfolk on the north side of Free-mason Street - the tenements being numbered 3, 5 & 7 respectively and the rents of which have since been collected by the Treasury Agent.

This property was seized as belonging to Mrs Angelina E. Johns, the wife of Bishop Johns of Virginia and as abandoned.  I was at that time a resident of the City of Norfolk where I had always resided until my removal to the City of Baltimore and presented a written remonstrance to the Agent against the seizure, which he promised to submit to the Secretary of the Treasury but which he never did.

The facts of the case are as follows.