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The undersigned citizens of Petersburg, certify that they are well acquainted wit the Rev. Jno. A. Strachan of the County of Chesterfield and know him as a worthy minister and honorable man and believe the facts set forth in his petition to be true, and would most respectfully request the authorities to restore to him his farm, that being all he has left of a handsome estate.

Chas F Collier
Robert R. Collier
John Kevan
Geo. W. Bolling
C B Raine
Alexander Donnan
Thos. Wallace
Reuben Ragland

The undersigned citizens of Chesterfield concur in the above certificate.

James A. Cox
D S Worldredge
Benjamin H. Nash
Richard L Jones
Wm H. Garnett

City of Petersburg to wit
I Alexander Donnan a Notary Public in said city in the State of Virginia Commissioned as such by F.H. Peirpoint Governor of Va, do hereby certify that I have carefully read over this petition - I have known J.A. Strachan here for many years and all his family - I am 47 years of age - I am acquainted personally with the facts stated by him and I verily believe all he states is true.

I do hope his property may be restored him.

Given under my hand and Seal of office at Petersburg Va. this the 6th day of July A.D 1865.

Alexander Donnan
Notary Public