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Richmond July 10th 1865

Major Genl Turner

My Dr Sir
The Revd M. Strachan has brought to me his statement respecting his Farm & its occupancy near Petersburg.-

Mr Strachan is one of natures good men, Peacable & blameless, & his neighbors whose signatures are attached to his Petition are most worthy, & have ever been proud of our Union & Flag in War and peace, especially G H Mallory John Kevan R Ragland, Chas & R R Collier - Mr S. has doubts as to the Source to seek for relief by the repossession of his little Home for the comfort of a virtuous family - as the Marshall General of Virginia I have thought your action the most valid, & trust you can restore this good old Gent & family to their Home

Believe Me Mo Respectfully
& very Truly yrs
Charles Palmer

I would have called in person with Mr. S. but for indisposition

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-16 09:39:39