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This deed made this the [[Strikethrough]] 22d [[/Strikethrough]] 5th  day of [[Strikethrough]] January [[/Strikethrough]] February 1857 between John T West & Olivia his wife of the one part & the Portsmouth Building Association of the other part Witnesseth that the said John T. West & Olivia his wife for & in consideration of sixteen hundred dollars. The receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. do grant with general warranty unto the said Portsmouth Building Association all of that lot, piece of pracel of land situated in that part of the town of Portsmouth called Gosport & numbered [[Strikethrough]] known [[/Strikethrough]] in the plan of Gosport as lots Nos 118 & 119. and Bounded as follows: Beginning at the North East intersection of Lincon & Third Streets, thence running Norwardly along Third Street one hundred and tweny one fee, thence Easterly parallel with Lincon Street one hundred and eighty feer, thence Southwardly parallel with Third Streen one hundred and twenty one feet to Lincon Street, thence Westerly along Lincon Street one hundred and eighty feet to the beginning - It being the same property that was conveyed to the said John T. West by the deed of S. Wheeler & Anna his wife dated 24th of April 1856& which is a part of the property conveyed to the said S. Wheeler by the deed of Andrew Mc haffey & wife dated the 20th day of November 1854. both of which said deeds are duly recorded in the Clerk's office of Norfolk County Court. 
Witness the following Signatures & Seals
John. T., West {Seal}
Mrs Olivia West {Seal}