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Norfolk Virginia
22 July 1865:

The undersigned, heirs at law of Anne B. Taylor. dec'd who died in Norfolk in November 1861, would respectfully represent to you that a certain house and lot in this city left by their mother was taken possession of by the military authorities of the United States and has since been transferred to the Freedmen's Bureau at Washington.

The house is now occupied by a family of colored people who are willing to give it up to the undersigned and the object they have in now addressing you is to request the possession of the house and lot, until the case is finally disposed of by the Freedmen's Bureau 

The undersigned are without a home and are living upon the bounty of others would respectfully appeal to you for a favorable consideration of their case.

We are respy.
Yr. obd Servts
Lucy Taylor
W. V. Taylor.

Lt. Jno H Keatley
Asst Supt
Freedmens Bureau

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