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Lt: Jno H Keatley
Ass. Super: of Freedmen & Aband. Property

The Petition of George. T. Townsend respectfully represents that he owns in fee simple the following described real estate, situate in that part of Portsmouth called & known as Need Town, on the west side of 4th Street between Lincoln and Nelson Streets adjoining the property of Charles H. Hasker & others with a front on 4th St. of thirty feet and running West in parallel line to the depth of one hundred and twenty feet. That the same has been taken and seized as abandoned and is now held by the Government as such. Believing that the seizure thereof is not in accordance with the act of Congress approved July 2d 1864 - and your petitioner never having aided or abetted the rebellion directly, and being opposed to its origin, and having taken the Anesty Oaths of the Presidents' Proclamations of Dec 8th/63 and May 29th/65 prays to be restored to the possession of said property with all the rights and ammennities therein & thereto

Very Respectfully
George T Townsend

State of Va
City of Portsmouth S.S.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day of July 1865

J.S. Stubbs
Notary Public

[[5 cent revenue stamp]]