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To Col. O. Brown, Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for the State of Virginia. 

The Petition of the Norfolk Building Fund Association. 
Your petitioners respectfully represent as follows:

1. On the 17th day of September, A.D. 1860, James E. Barry and Mary M., his wife, by deed of that date and of record in the Clerk's office of the Court of the Corporation of the city of Norfolk, conveyed to the trustees of your petitioners, all that parcel, lot or square of land, with the buildings thereon, lying between and bounded by Scott, Jefferson and No. 2 streets, in the raid city, in trust to secure the payment of an advance of $2,700 made by your petitioner to the said James E. Barry on the 13th day of September, A.D. 1860.

2. The military authorities of the United States, sometime in the year 1862, took possession of the said lot; afterwards they transferred it to the Treasury Department of the United States; and afterwards the said Treasury Department transferred it to the Bureau aforesaid, in where possession, or subject to whole control, it now is.

3.The offices of the said "The Norfolk Building Fund Association" are W.H. Turner, President, John B. Whitehead, Thos. Baltimore, Wm Callis, James G. White and Wm Denby, Directors, and H. Ferguson, Trustees, who [[Strikethrough]] did [[/Strikethrough]] have not, nor [[Strikethrough]] did [[/Strikethrough]] has either of them, at any time, been voluntarily absent from the said lot and engaged either in a war or otherwise in aiding or encouraging the rebellion; nor has the said lot been confiscated, or condemned and sold by decree of the United States Court for their district; nor have the United States acquired title to the said lots, or either of them, by confiscation, sale, or otherwise. 

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