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virtue. And, whereas the said James E. Barry and Mary M. his wife desire hereby to give further security for the performance of the condition of the said James E. Barry bond and for his compliance with the other terms of his the said James E. Barry's agreement with the said The Norfolk Building Fund Afsociation [[Association]]. Now therefore this Deed Witnefseth [Witnesseth] that inconsideration of the premises, and of one dollar to the said parties of the first part in had paid by the said parties of the second part the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged the said James E. Barry and Mary M his wife do hereby grant with general warranty unto the said John T. Biddle, John F. Francis and F. F. Ferguson Trustees of the said The Norfolk Building Fund Afsociation [Association] and succefsors [successors] in Office the following property to wit:  all that parcel lot or square of land, with the buildings there on. and with all the appurtenances thereto blong [belong] orig. situate in the aforesaid City of Norfolk lying between and bounded by "Scott, Jefferson and N Q Strects; being the same lot or parcel of land that was sold and conveyed to the said James E. Barry by M. Cooke Commissioner by deed bearing day of the 3d day of April in the year 1847 and made in obedience to a decree pronounced on the 1st day of December 1846 by the Circuit Superior Courthouse of and Chancery for the City of Norfolk in a certain cause therein pending between Cunningham and wife plaintiffs and [[?]] and others Defendants and is described in the said Deed as that certain lot or parcel of land of which the said Robert B. Starke deceased died seized and possessed situate on the North side of Scott Street in the City of Norfolk supposed to be one [[?]]