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Vermillion Mrs E.

Applies for restoration of property 

Office Supt. R.F & AL. 
1st Dist of Virginia
Norfolk Sept. 23d 1865
Respectfully referred to Col O Brown Asst Commissioner

Bureau R.F. & A.L. Richmond Va. This application of Mrs. Vermillion seems to be sufficiently supported by Documentary Evidence [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] to secure action on her property. The other application has today been returned to her through Mr. Johnston's office. 
A.S. Flagg
Capt and AQM. and Supt &c. 

AB 198
R.S.O. 9.21.65 Fd 9.23.65

Bureau R.F. and AL 
Office Asst. Supt. Norfolk Co
Norfolk Va Sept 19 1865

Respectfully forwarded and attention called to enclosed papers
The property is rented to L. Copeland - The party is not one of the excepted classes
Charles E. Johnson
Asst. Supt. 



Restored by 
S.O. 63 par II Sept 26th/65