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The petition of Elizabeth Vermillion (widow of John Vermillion dec'd:) respectfully represents that she is now, and for five years before the war was a widow, and that she was a resident of the City of Portsmouth Virginia until the last three years, during which time she has been a resident of Chapel Hill North Carolina; that she is the owner of five tenements with the lots on which they stand, situated on Bart Street in the said city of Portsmouth Va; said property has been seized by and is now in the possession of the agents of abandoned property; that the said property is the only source of support she has; and that she is sixty years of age. 

Having taken the oath prescribed by the Amnesty Proclamation of President Johnson, she respectfully prays that you will order the restoration of said property.

Elizabeth Vermillion

Transcription Notes:
I'm not 100% confident "tenements" is the correct word. I'm not 100% confident "Bart Street" is correct.